We're on our sixteenth meeting this evening, which was supposed to be our maritime beer club. However, we're holding it on Colin's deck because the sea was angry tonight. The theme was supposed to be aquatic, but due to the change in venue we just have a grab bag.
Colin decided to bring a bunch of Great Lakes beer tonight. The first one is Dortmunder Gold, which is a Dortmunder, a type of German lager. This harbors a 5.8% ABV, which is well hidden. It pours a slightly amber color and tastes smooth and light. I still can't believe this beer's ABV is equal to Mike's height. Let's rate this:
BPA: 3.44
Our next taste is La Goudale, which is our first French brew. Ribbit. It's a Bier de Garde which comes in at 7.8%. Corked and Caged!! It pours a hazy orange, which makes it look quite a bit like a Hef. This stuff is real tasty. It's somewhat similar to a saison in taste. Not sure how else to describe it. On to the ratings...
BPA: 3.23
Eliot Ness Amber Lager is our next pour, brewed by Great Lakes out of the Mistake By The Lake, Ohio. It's an amber lager, and pours a color that is similar to amber. That's how they get that dino DNA, ya know. Solid beer, in my opinion. So-so, says Mike. Asi Asi, says Colin. Mike then said "Cum see, Cum saw."
BPA: 2.47
Next up is Ayinger Oktoberfest. This one is yet another 5.8%er. Very relevent, because we all just purchased our Surlyfest tickets. It's pretty light on the tongue, and tastes like something is missing. The brothers are being hesitant to discuss the beer. Most of the conversation is revolving around the Twins and whether or not it's possible to listen to them via the internet. Let's rate:
BPA: 2.87
On deck is Lost Abbey Gift of the Magi. This is yet another Biere de Garde, except this one is a tasty 10 percent booooze. It looks and smells like caramel. It really tastes like a caramelly treat with a slight boozy burn on the back end. Mike was complaining about a burn on the back end a few minutes ago. RIMSHOT! People like this a lot.
BPA: 3.64
Great Lakes Burning River, Great Lakes Burning River, the Rippin and the Tearin, the Rippin and the Tearin. We've discovered Colin is on Great Lakes' payroll. This stuff is a standard 6% pale ale.
BPA: 3
Next up is Stone's 14th Anniversary Ale, which they call and Emperial IPA. It's basically a double English IPA. I've had it before, and it's tasty. It's an 8.9% English IPA. It pours a light orange/yellow color, and smells hoppy and bitter. It has a really dry, hoppy flavor. I find it tasty.
BPA: 3.40
Michael has brought to us Ska's Decadence, which is yet another beer not available in MN. It's a double IPA, which happens to be Mike's favorite style. It's a solid 10% ABV. This tastes strange to the extent that Derek inquired as to the freshness of this. It's really sweet and malty. "I don't like this beer." - Derek, Tom J, and Mike. This is a strange beer that is an amalgamation of strange flavors thrown together. This reminds me of Brau Bros Rainwater Stout. Brent just said "For acting like such a hardass, Joe is actually a [frickin] pussy(cat)." This quote is unrelated to beer club, as Joe is "working late [escaping to a pixelated fantasy world on his PC]."
BPA: 2.41
Next up: Stone Imperial Russian Stout. I've been "aging" this one in my wine rack for four months. This one is #10 on BA, and comes in at 10.5%. I was too antsy in my pantsy to save this for our second stout night. It pours a dark black, and smells of roasty, malty, chocolate factory by R. Kelly. There is a little hop kick at the beginning, then it opens up with some coffee and chocolate flavors. There is a substantial coffee flavor, and it tastes real smooth, according to Brent.
BPA: 3.29
Lastly, we have Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald, which is the highest rated porter on BA. This one comes in at 5.8%. There are highly polarized reviews on this one so far- and seemingly those who liked the last one don't like this one so much, and vice versa. I'm personally not a huge porter fan. This one seems like it tastes a little flatter and less complex than an RIS.
BPA: 2.84
This concludes our beer club. We're now retiring to Club Wingspan to watch the Twins-Sox game.