We're having our 42nd meeting outdoors at Colin's house this evening. It's a perfect night for outdoor beer club and we're sampling the somewhat obscure style of Kolsch. It's a German lager-like ale. Colin's children are hanging around the outskirts, mostly because they can't walk or crawl yet, but I'm guessing they're just hoping Sarah falls asleep and we give them a taste.
Firstly Colin brings to us Alaskan Summer Ale. I do believe that this is the first offering from Alaskan Brewery, which began distributing to our state this year. This ol' Kolschy boy comes in at 5.3%. It pours golden and smells slightly sour. It tastes pretty much like a lager... fairly bland and refreshing. Not a lot of flavors are jumping out at me.
BPA: 3.27
Derek brings to us Lake Superior Kayak Kolsch. This here brewery may be the most unrepresented local breweries in the WTBC. The ABV is a gigantic mystery. I find this beer more flavorful than the last. This is wildly off topic- we're talking about Game of Thrones.
BPA: 2.95
Auf drei, Herr Bequette bringt Ihr Reissdorf Kolsch. It's the top-rated Kolsch on BA, and comes in at... unknown. Beeradvocate is currently down. It's pretty hoppy for a kolsch. Reissdorf:Kolsch::Victory Prima Pils:Pilsner.
BPA: 3.07
Turnbull brings us InBev's finest: Goose Island Summer Ale. This one smells like the first two... but it's a bit thinner on the mouth. It's fairly tame and easy to drink. Not a lot of words surrounding this one.
BPA: 2.27
Michael James Lannister brings to us a beer spun from nothing less than gold. The rich color privileges us with its light; it's nosefeel entrances our underappreciative nos-trils. The smell is not too sour, not too malty, but just... so.
BPA: 2.93
Belfry brings to us our final standard beer of the evening. We have Flying Dog Tire Bite. It's alright I guess, but our conversation has shifted to other things. Colin just slurred like Michael saying "GITTT OVEEERRR HERRR Y?OU DAMN DAWG" before he strikes young Gabe. Colin said "Smituation."
BPA: 2.63
BOOOONUS BEEEER!!! Mr. McC comes through with a monster. Goose Island Big John Imperial Stout comes in at 11.5%. Shazaaam this stuff is the tops. Boozy and chocolatey are my two favorite beer-related adjectives.
BPA: 3.67
Last up: second bonus beer. Colin brings to us Goose Island Fleur. It smells like a standard sour. It basically tastes like a floral saison. Welp, let's rate.
BPA: 3.5