Tonight is the first of the Belgian tastings to which we've all been looking forward. For we thirst for Quads! A quadrupel is a dark, strong Belgian ale that also happens to be the style of the #1 beer on BA. Since none of us have taken a trip to the Belgian plains lately, we've been unable to obtain it. We're settling for five lesser, yet high quality brews.
Tonight, we're joined by Brothers Colin, Tom, and Brent, and Noobs Tom J and Mike. Our side-sippin' beers include Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter and Surly Coffee Bender.
First up: Urthel Samaranth. This one is corked and caged, as is any good Belgian. This one's 11% ABV and pours a dark reddish brown. It smells sweet with a slight hint of booze. It tastes smoother than Wally Sczerbiak's J, and wetter than his hair gel. One can tell there's booze in it, but it doesn't negatively affect the taste at all. Brent says he's already drunk from his first 3 ounces, but that's because he showed up with a new haircut. Most of us feel it tastes like a strong ale.
BPA: 2.94
Next up is the St. Bernardus Abt 12, nicknamed "Nard Dawg." It's #26 on BA, and one of the top quads. I've had this enough at the Bulldog NE to know this is an A. It pours much darker than the last one. "Oh God, it's so carbonated and dark fruity mmmm!" -Me. Colin just threw Bailey a pretzel and it bounced out of her mouth and back into the pretzel bowl so we don't know which one it is OMG grossss! Mouthfeel: It fills Mike's whole mouth. Tastes like pop rocks to Tom J.
BPA: 3.66
Our next flavor option is Ommegang's Three Philosophers. It's a Belgian-style ale brewed in Cooperstown, NY. This pours a dark mahogany, much like the smell of my classic book collection. This one is a hair fruitier than the other two. Brent and I agree that it's more candied than the first one, but still uncarbonated enough to be a strong ale.
BA: 3.46
Next we have Unibroue La Terrible. This is my personal favorite brewery. I've tasted this one before, but not in years. It's a Belgian-style brewery out of Montreal and this hot dog comes in at 10.5%. It pours a dark black. Darker than Ruben Sierra. And it tastes figgier than figgy pudding. It doesn't have a strong smell, but it goes from a stout like smoothness into figs and candi sugar.
BPA: 3.46
Finally, we have one that none of us have tried. It's called Lozen Boer, and it's a product of the Proefbrouwerij. It pours a dark brown and it smells just like the Nard Dawg. The mouthfeel is a little thinner than the Bernardus, but basically the same taste. Pretty tasty stuff, says all of us.
BPA: 3.54
There you have it. Not too drunk of an affair, but everyone has yet to stand up. Next week we'll have Tripels. Boner!
Here's a picture of an empty bottle of Westvleteren 12

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