Editor's Note: This post was written by Ex-Noob, Current Brother, and future married guy Tom J. I've made a few edits to the post to make it conform with the site's format.
Tonight we're doing sour ales. Derek starts the meeting off with “HIPPA!!” … and commence the drinking.
Monk’s CafĂ© Flemish Sour Ale
This one’s cummin in at ____
Welp, on to the next
(but everyone seemed to like it)
There’s a lack of bread, not very complex
Brett, as in Favre
You can write about that, it’s Belgium
That was some damn good sour
Damn good way to start the night
“Belfry?” “One million”
I’ll buy that one at whatever price they’re charging. At whatever
BPA: 3.33
Gueuze Girardin
Oooo, what the heck? Jesus. What hecking crap is this? What the crap is that?
The club was not enamored with the cork.
Oh, that’s really good
It’s definitely very champagne esque (Derek)
This is a super funky one (Joe)
Smells skunky (Tom J)
Tart too, really tart. You could say it’s gold (Brent)
Tom B would hate this, cause he likes boys.
CoLo, RiDo, Colorado beer. Sounds like a Gaga song
It’s more tart than the usual
More bubbly than champagny…
The color is more gold than it is red
BPA: 3.29
New Glarus Enigma
The color of this is more Christmas than summer
Like a cinnamony spice
Smells cinnamony, tastes cinnamony
I like the little bit of tart/sourness
It was a good lookin cut (Derek for Fbomb)
Reddish, raspberry in color
Clean finish
Color similar to more red than gold
Overall, pleasant
Colin mumbled something “intelligent”
BPA: 3.04
Cantillon Gueuze is “capped cork”
Michael struggled to open it (like real bad, Brent had to help him out)
Michael - “obvioushly” I could have done it, but …….
Aged in oak
Man, nothing wrong with that
Smells like hay, tastes like hay, wow, good stuff
Smells like acidic, tastes, acidic, like Jews. Man, we may have found a winner
We might have found a new blogger!
Oh, I like this a lot
It’s so much different in your mouth
It’s so much more complex
It’s way more bitter than anything we’ve tried tonight
It’s yellowish in hue, and cloudy
Looks like the hay from barnyard barrion
The aftertaste is almost wheat
BPA: 3.26
Cuvee De Ranke
Paper wrapped…. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Joe rubbed the tip like caressing a p p
Cummin in hot
Oh, ah, oh, ah
Joe destroyed the cap like a doctor does a penis the first time he does a circumcision – crocked
Oh, I like the smell of this a lot
This one’s pretty complex too
It doesn’t smell as funky as the next
It’s got a little bit more tartness
This is less acidic as the last few
I think the last one had a stronger flavor, but this one has a better flavor
Should we start testing the PH Balance?
“Tom B is gonna take this personally and step his game up” ….. in reference to Tom B’s lame blogging skills
Oh man, that’s very tart
Sweet sassy mallassy, that’s tartie
It looks like a dunkle
BPA: 3.26
Ommegang Zuur
Tell me how much you taste the cherries in this one
Yeah, I can taste the cherries a little bit
I think the sour taste lends itself to the bitter taste
This is really good
Yeah, I like this
It’s obviously a lot more subtle than the last one
Looks like a flanders red. What is it technically? A flanders red
Michael likes to rub his fingers together like he’s planning on doing something wrong
BPA: 3.33
Rodenbach Classic
Corked and caged (rack um and stack em)
Spouse? No spouse. Misses? No misses.
I’ll be calling the St. Louis Park police to test that theory
I got my blinky light, I’m good
Belfry took a spill on the floor
(Joe) Very young tasting (Tom) That’s what she said
Noob tickled Brent, loved it …. Brent uncomfortable
Life is good, isn’t it?
Smells and tastes a little like jungle fever (in other words – black)
Lots of talk about capping beer club, blah blah blah. I think Brent’s a racist
You’re either on to something, or on something
Those side beers look good
I like this one
Like Joe said, it’s very young
Compared to the other ones, it tastes like a flavorless ale
I don’t know, I just enjoy this
Oh, it’s um, nice, very drinkable, light mouth feel
I could drink a bunch of these on a summer day (Brent)
BPA: 3.37
Rodenbach Grand Cru
Corked and caged
Huge noob argument… doesn’t matter, overwhelming consensus, we have a new blogger
This is fuckin dank
Good job Tom J, this is awesome (People seem to like the beer)
Pretty fuckin good
This is really fantastic
I really like both of them, but this is better
I have to have a feeling that sour is going to happen another night. This category is really good
“Belchhhhhhh” (Derek likes it)
Man, this is good beer
(talking about a guy they know that trips balls… sweats out of his eyes, and clearly is a questionable character who flops around urinals)
Colin quoting the shit out of the classic movie “The Fugitive”. Good stuff
Huge discussion about Rambo IV…. Look out, We just put Sly Stallone in the HOF
Colin is being really creepy towards Kate when Brent picked up the phone, and now all of us are singing “believe it or not, George isn’t at home. Where could he be??”
“Oh Michael hold me” – Michaels feminine homo dog
“I am NOT a noob, how dare you!!!!!” -- Michael
BPA: 3.69