Here we are folks, for a very special meeting. Not only is it our tenth meeting, but it's also Mike's initiation into official brotherhood. He chose American Strong Ale, so LET'S GET IT AWN!
First, and most importantly, is Sam Adams Utopias. This guy doesn't come in at any ABV. IT RIDES A RHINO AND CRASHES INTO YOUR LIVING ROOM AT 27% ABV, BOYEEEEE!!!! This one costs a purty penny, so we're having but a sip of Mike's stash. It currently sits on the Top 100 on BA, and is the highest alcohol content on the list. First up: it smells like vanilla and booze. The taste is similar to the smell. It's very boozy, but it tastes similar to port. Colin thinks it tastes like maple syrup. Quite good, but not really like beer.
BPA: 3.55
Double Dead Guy Ale, by Rogue, is our next beer. It comes in a sweet opaque red bottle. Bitchin. 9% is the ABV at which it comes. Sea monkeys are floating around the glass. Some think it's yeast, but I think it's a colony of sea monkeys. It pours a nice orange color, and it smells malty. I think the utopia burnt my taste buds, but I'm pretty sure this one is malty, followed up with some hops. It's fairly sweet, and the alcohol isn't easily detectable. Once again, this may be because of the grain alcohol I just consumed.
BPA: 3.10
Batting third, Friar brings to us Left Hand Chainsaw Ale. I've never before seen or tasted this beer. This is also a 9%er. Did I catch a niner in there? This one tastes more like a DIPA. Actually, more like an imperial Summit. It's not just double the hops, but also double the malts, which makes it pretty balanced. The hops show up on the tongue, and just hop away, like a friggity frog! According to Mike.
BPA: 2.9
Next up; Oskar Blues Gordon Ale. This is classified by the brewery as an Imperial Red, but to the rest of us, it's an American Strong Ale. This stuff is 8.7%. It pours a fine amber, much like Kitty Kat's flowing locks. The taste is on the hoppy side. SEASON 4 OF LOST WAS THE BEST!! NO!! EVERYONE WHO SAYS THEY LIKE THE FINALE WAS LYING! NOOO YOU IDIOT!! People are shouting about LOST right now, for whatever reason. Back to the beer.
BPA: 3.52
On to da next. This one is a collaboration between Stone, Firestone Walker, and 21st Amendment, and the name is a mouthful. "El Camino Unreal Black Ale." This dark, dark ale is a 9.5%er. It smells stouter than everything else we've had. Noob slur! Mike just called a table "taber." And his slur streak continues. Yep, this really just tastes like a stout. I'm not sure why it's classified as a strong ale, though. Eureka! It's figs! I have some fig jam! The three previous sentences were excitedly uttered by noob Belfry.
BPA: 3.20
Lagunitas Undercover Shutdown Ale is our next pour. This one pours a reddish-brown, but who am I to judge because I'm significantly colorblind. It's 9.7% ABV. It tastes just like what I think of when I think of a strong ale. It's malty, slightly hoppy, and caramelly. Not too different from Double Bastard.
BPA: 3.40
Lastly, we have Stone Sublimely Self Righteous Ale. It pours a dark brown, and it's truly sublime. It's malty like Double Bastard, but has the same hop profile as Ruination. It's a bitter hoppy flavor. Smooth. Mine's gone. I liked that. I liked it. The previous statements were all said around the table regarding this beer.
BPA: 3.43
That does it. I'm about to finish my side beer which happens to be New Glarus Belgian Red. We went to Hudson today to get a bunch of delicious brews not available Minnesota-side. Good times
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