We meet at Noob Tom J's house to initiate him into non-Noobhood. This will be our first repeat category, but seeing as how it's 95 and humid outside, hefeweizen seems to be appropriate. We'll also be celebrating the tasting of our 100th beer today.
First up is Franziskaner Hefe-weisse. This hef is from Germany and garners an A- rating on BA. COMIN IN AT 5! Pours a nice cloudy orange and it smells of orange peels and diatemacious earth. Bananarama concert in the mouth. Has the mouthfeel of a classic Deutsch Hef. Ja? Was machst du am Wochenende? Ich trinke Franziskaner!
BPA: 3.37
Next up is Colin's web redemption. Last time we had a hef night, he brought Weihenstephaner's Pils instead of the Hef. Tonight, he brings the hef. This is regarded as the gold standard among German hefs. This one goes down our throats at 5.4% ABV. It also holds the #38 spot on BA's top 100. Also, this happens to be the 100th beer we've tasted during Beer Club! Prost! This pours a similar cloudy orange. Colin just shouted "Penis in the butt!" This one tastes slightly different than the last one. It's a little less fruity, but it's crispier.
BPA: 3.38
Belfry's offering is Schneider Hopfenweiss, which is classified as a Weizenbock, although the bottle claims to be a hefeweizen. We theorized that a Weizenbock is basically a high ABV hef, because this one comes in at 8.2%. This one is a collaboration between the Schneider and Brooklyn breweries, and is a combination of a hef and a pale ale. This one pours about the same color as the others, except it definitely has a hop profile coming in through the nose. It's pretty tasty. Basically a good hef with some hops.
BPA: 3.42
New Glarus Crack'd Wheat is our next sampling. New Glarus generally has some solid offerings, so I'm excited to give this a taste. This received yet another A- on BA, and it's 5.2%. This one pours a bit lighter than the previous ones. There's a slight hoppy taste, and that's confirmed by the fact that it says "Amarillo hops" on the bottle. DOUBLE RAINBOWWWWS!! WHAT DOES THIS MEEEAN??
BPA: 3
We will now be tasting Hacker Pschorr Hefeweiss. Another A- on BA, and another comin' in at 5.5%. The smell is yeasty and barny. It tastes light, wheaty, and a bit fruity. A pretty classic-tasting hefeweizen. It's a bit on the wheaty side, but refreshing on an evening such as this.
BPA: 2.8
Welp, we're diverting from the style a bit here. Derek brought Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Weizen. Which is a smoke beer. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just a goofy pick. It tastes SSSSMOOOKIN!!. This stuff really tastes like it smells: a bonfire. There's talk about not even ranking this because of how off-topic this is.
BPA: 2.23
Last, we have Widmer's Hefeweizen. It's actually labeled an American Pale Wheat ale on BA. It's definitely a lot lighter tasting than the others. It's very drinkable, and I could drink a ton of these on a hot day. We're watching the ESPYS, and they're boring, except for Erin Andrews. Oh Snap. Mike just accused Derek of bringing skunky beer.
BPA: 3.1
That'll do it. We had 6 pretty refreshing hefs, and 1 beer that cleared the sinuses. It's still hot as beans outside, so I'm not going to leave until I have at least a couple more side beers.
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