Here we are for our 23rd meeting of the Wild Turkey Beer Club. Derek's hosting during his last week at Trillville. He will soon be moving to be closer to his hipster roots near Minneapolis Hipster Mecca, Bryant Lake Bowl. Now those are some condescending hipsters. Derek will be joined by Brent, Colin, Joe, Mike, and me. The theme is Belgian IPA/Pale Ale/Strong Pale Ale. It should be interesting becuase we haven't tried any of these beers yet. Let's get this show on the road.
First off is Piraat Ale. This one is brewed in Somalia by clan leaders, but since they cut off the tongues of those that drink alcohol, they only import this beer. Much to our delight! This one is 10.5%. It looks like a nice orange IPA. It smells a little hoppy and a little sweet. Taste: It tastes basically like a tripel with some hops. I'm impressed at how the alcohol is hidden. Those Soms sure can brew!
BPA: 3.27
Next up is Flying Dog Raging Bitch. This comes in at 8.3% ABV. This one is way hoppier-smelling than the last. If you served this one to me and told me it's a regular American IPA, I wouldn't know you were fibbing. However, this is pretty good anyway.
BPA: 3.1
Thirdly we have Stone Cali-Belgique. A few of us have had this before and it's reputation of nummy-ness precedes it. This is a 6.9er. BW wants a lot of head on his pour. He's on the prowl. It pours a hazy orange. The hops are clearly the same as the hops in Ruination, except they're smoothed by the Belgiany goodness.
BPA: 3.4
Editor's note: Due to internet connectivity problems, we lost the last half of the original blog post. The rest will be a bare bones recap.
Next up is Goose Island Matilda. It tastes more like a Golden Ale than a Pale.
BPA: 3
Flying Dog Raging Bitch is the next pour. Pretty good sample of the style
BPA: 3.1
Last up is Tyranena La Femme Amere. This is definitely the worst one we've tried tonight.. pretty much unanimously. Bad job, whoever brought this beer.
BPA: 2.57
That'll about do it. Some fairly high scores, as is the norm for the Belgian styles. So very delicious. So very sensual.
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