Derek keeps up the tradition of f-ing things up ROYALLY. It should be said that Derek is probably the most active home-brewer in the WTBC and as such always has beer flowing from one of the four taps from his kegerator. NOT TODAY. Every single person asked if he had a side beer for them and they all got the same answer “I do but I’m out of CO2”. What a let down.
The battle starts with a WI beer, perhaps appropriately as GB just returned a punt for a TD and also started the NFL border battle. This one pours dark ruby red, thin lacy head. Smell is sweet with a good amount of fruity esters, some cherry and other berries. Taste is fruity sweet but not overly like some jam with honey balanced. Good amount of carbonation and a slightly thick mouthfeel. At 9.75 this is highly drinkable as booze is all but undetectable.
Devine Oculust
And onto a MN beer during what will hopefully be the first of many successful Viking drives. Nice golden color light amount of head dissipates quickly. Smell is of banana and fruity ester nice yeasty smell as it should be. Taste is bitter up front and a tart citrusy finish. Mouthfeel is good slightly on the thick side. Pretty fair drinkability Jeff says that after two pints it can get kind of trying. Speaking of trying this drive is trying everyone’s patience and resulted in a failed field goal attempt.
Bitter Woman
We’re back on the wrong side of the river for this one. Can’t blame her for being bitter she does live her life in Wisconsin. Pours golden with a red hue head is light in color and doesn’t stick around. Smell is slightly graprefruit and strong presence of malt. Taste follow closely and finished out a tart-bitter citrus and finishes clean. M: good, carbonation is acceptable. My bitterness for WI is growing by the second.
Glacial IPA
Yet ANOTHER sconny beer, mother F. Foggy apricot in color thick white head and lingers for a bit. Smell is more piney than the last but there is a hint of a truer citrus (I don’t’ consider grapefruit a real citrus, cause I hate it). Taste is strong hops up front, but not overly bitter as it quickly followed by sweetness from the malts. Great mouthfeel and drinkability is higher than the last one. Consensus is the last one was better but hatred of grapefruit is tainting my opinion.
Back in the homeland of t-puppies, viqueens, and lynx. A: Deep amber nice frothy head. S: punches in the nose with hops it is SUPER hoppy even compared to the last two IPAs. Goes to show that while WI can put together a football team they are really slipping when it comes to the beer department. M: Good D: very good, this is a great beer and would recommend drinking at any opportunity.
Great Northern Porter
A; Lots of light colored head, and dark! S: is great! As helped by Colin’s pouring snafu the room is filled with a delicious roasty aroma. T: We don’t like the initial taste but like the after taste, the nose exceeds the taste for this one, slightly disappointing. But still good mind you. M: Is thin maybe slightly too carbonated in my opinion. D: Pretty, pretty high.
Mud Puppy
A: Cream colored head healthy amount of it too S: is as good as the last one although we don’t have the added benefit of a exxon valdez style spill (is that still relevant after the BP/gulf of mexico thing?) T: This one starts roasty and finishes with some chocolate notes, more dimensional flavor than the last one. M: Nice, slightly thicker but still over carbonated. D: high
Cygnus X-1 Espresso
A: Lots of foamy head, light in color and lingers S: Lots of coffee/espresso aroma almost overwhelming, and strong roasty presence. T: Is almost solely dominated by roasty coffee flavor there’s not a lot else discernible in this one, it is decidedly good though mind you. M: Strong flavor lingers mouthfeel is light and carbonation is good. D: a little strong on the coffee but if you want a coffee porter this is what you need.
A; Medium amber color and a fair amount of head. S: immediately earthy and smoky and a sweet finish T: has a nice barrel flavor and a grounding earthy flavor, pun intended. M: pretty good thick and lingering D; good I could put a few of these away if it wasn’t the last beer of the night, before bonus beer! I thought this one was pretty decent I think that others disagreed, but there is a stigma about Brau Bros in this particular club.
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