Brother Tom hath just returned from yet another pilgrimmage to worship the Patron Saint of Beer, Saint Diego. He managed to locate a couple Russian River wild ales, along with a few others to bring back. Hence, we decided on having a night dedicated to the consumption of wild yeast.
First offering is Russian River Supplication, a 7% ABV that's aged in Pinot Noir barrels. This being wild yeast night, it has some wild yeast and Brett. Colin thinks it's effervescent, and Derek says it gives him a happy ending. Me Ruv You Rong Time! This beer is #13 on BA and it lives up to it's hype. It's easily the top wild ale I've ever had.
BPA: 4.0 (ed. note: shazaaaam!)
Corked and caged, yet again. Next we have Lost Abbey's Red Barn Saison, which is an ale that comes in at 6.7%. Appearance: Golden and hazy like a hef. Nosefeel: Smells like a horse's arse, says Derek. Joe says it's Bretty, but not George Brett-Brett. Not pine-tar-on-the-handle-homerun-taken-away-Brett. Very good Saison. Let's rate this swill:
BPA: 3.38
Batter Up: New Glarus Unplugged Cherry Stout. It's a second-time brew, which makes it all the more valuable to our EXCLUSIVE racist club. Michael Jordan couldn't get in. This stuff smells like cherry syrup. Colin: It smells like a cough drop tastes. Definitely a different beer. It has a sour-ish taste. However, very good, and I think this is the first of the much-lauded New Glarus line I've tasted. Das Noob is reminded of nutmeg and fonder times amongst loved ones 'round the Christmas tree.
BPA: 3.45
Our next pour is one we've had before. It's from New Belgium's Lips of Faith line. The beer is Biere de Mars. Teh style is inspired from the fourth planet LOL!!
This one comes in at 6.200000% and is another wild ale. It appears a little more transparent than the last few, but it smells like good things. Joe says it's hella maltier than the last few, but with a definite wild yeast kick. It smells like a wet barnyard where Joe gets his organic chickens in the springtime.
BPA: 3.37
Mike the Noob presents our next beer, which is another offering from New Belgium's Lips of Faith; La Folie Sour Brown Ale. This one pours a brown color. This is definitely the sourest of the sours so far, and the 6% booze is nowhere to be found. It tastes like a warhead, which makes Colin's tongue shrivel. James Simmons used to eat a lot of warheads, I bet.
BPA: 3.43
Corked! Caged! CorkedCagedcorkedcaged! Russian River Temptation is up next. It's #32 on the Bible list and a mere 7.25% of it is everclear. Let's have a look, smell, and taste. It looks and smells like a saison. "Super dank," and "Oh, that's awesome" from the gallery. It tastes like a sour saison. Unfortunately this beer is so difficult to get otherwise I'd drink this frequently and thoroughly on every nice day.
BPA: 3.85
Lastly, we have Brother Colin's offering; Drie Fonteinen Oude Geuze, which rolls at us at 6% ABV. It's a geuze, which is similar to a lambic or a wild ale. Smells like George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars. It's very strong tasting; sour, sweet, and strong. Carbonation bounces off my taste buds. Off The Topic Quote: Mike answers the phone, "Yeah, hi, I'm at beer club, and I'll be back sortly." Yes, sortly. Noob slurs.
BPA: 3.32
All in all, this is the highest rated session we've had. Although the beers are unconventional and taste like anything but the 'American Adjunct Ales' that we all grew up on, they prove to be quite drinkable. Applicant Brother Michael added some input, and Noob Guest-Sampler Kayla offered some insightful female opinions as well. Good beer, good cheer. Johnny Weir.
Pictured: Mike wearing The Moustache of the Pledge

Also at this meeting we decided the following:
ReplyDelete1) We will be rotating host sites.
2) Host selects style/topic.
3) Noobs wait a full rotation of travel until they host.
4) Brother Brent is the next host if available, followed by the 2 consecutive hostings at Valders Ave by Brothers Derek and Tom, then Brother Colin, and back to Joe. Applicant Brother Michael would fall in either between Colin and Joe or after Joe, we didn't officially decide yet.
all in favor, say 'aye'