And here we are at Brent's place for the sixth meeting of the beer club. The theme tonight is IPAs and Double IPAs, although the bulk of the harvest is of the latter variety. We welcome to our meeting our two newest noobs, Noob Mike and Noob Belfry. This will be Belfry's first club meeting, as well as his observation trial period.
First up: Left Hand's 400 Lb Monkey. We started off with a standard English IPA. Our thoughts are that we'd start off with the less hoppy and end up with the most hoppy beers. This one fits the bill as a drinkable IPA. This one comes in at 6.7% ABV. "Wait, how do we know already??" NOOB ALERT!! We're talking about ABV, noob salsa, not BPA. Blunder #1 has been noted by the elders. ON TO THE BPA!
BPA: 3.34
Next urp is Rogue Yellow Snow, which is another IPA. Who smells grapefruit? I do. Brent thinks this one is brewed with Zippy hopped. He also said "You don't need to write down my comments, they're super-jaded." It's bitter, but tasty. Just like Brent! ME-OW!
BPA: 3.23
On to da next! This next one is a beer we've all had multiple times, and is regarded as the second-highest rated IPA on BA. Town Hall Masala Mama BOOM! It's fruity, yet bitter, but extremely delicious. Since we've all tasted it multiple times, we'll get right to the rating.
BPA: 3.71
Our next flavorful flavoring is Sierra Nevada Harvest Wet Hope Ale, and 6.7% of it is firewater. Brent finds its earthy flavor challenging, yet soothing. We all agree it's fairly malty. The conversation has wandered dangerously off-topic during this tasting.
BPA: 2.88
Stone Ruination is the fifth beer on tap. Most of us have tasted this IPA before and it's known to be delicious. This one came to us from Escondido, CA by way of Colorado, via Brent's future parents-in-law. (oh snap) It pours a nice, hazy orange color, and tastes hoppy and bitter, much like Brent's future parents-in-law (double snap) There's a lot of pine involved in this one.
BPA: 3.59
Next up is Founders Centennial IPA, brought to you by Noob McBelfry. In walks Brother Derek's father. The oldest noob ever to noob. The hop is the same as in the last beer, but this beer is way maltier. "Malt bomb," says Joe.
BPA: 3.33
Our next beer is 21st Amendment IPA, AKA Brew Free or Die. It's another American IPA that rolls at us at a clean 7%. Upon the first taste, we find it sour. The sourest IPA I have thus far tasted. It smells and tastes like a saison at first, but finishes with a hoppy bitterness.
BPA: 3.7
We move on to the next beer, which happens to be Widmer Bros. Deadlift DIPA. It appears we've entered into double IPA territory, which means 8.5% booze. Mike is feeling toasty and slurry. "It's MY HOUSE, and MY SCHNOODLE!!" Quote taken out of context from Mike. Citrusy hops, and it proves to be better than I thought.
BPA: 3.09
Ska Modus Hoperandi is up next. It's Colorado's up and coming new brewery, and the music choice of James Simmons. Ruination-ish. We're getting drunk, and there's a lot of beer left to taste. Let's keep this rolling...
BPA: 3.53
Next up is Lagunitas' Double IPA, which comes in at 8 per cent and is called Hop
Stoopid. It's a fairly transparent beer, but isn't as hoppy as our last few. It's tasty, but as the night draws on we find ourselves with a higher bodily ABV.
BPA: 2.81
Bell's Hopslam is one of the top Double IPAs on BA. Some would call it a DIPA dandy. GET IT????!!?!?! LOLZ! This has also been tasted by everyone in the club, and it's Spring release is long-awaited by all. It pours a fairly transparent orange, and smells sour grapefruit omelette. BOOM our first 10%er! The last one made this one taste good, says Noob Belfers.
BPA: 3.7
We have Oskar Blues GUBNA Double IPA. It smells quite skunky for an IPA, but it still has the hop kick. It's pretty transparent in its appearance. Derek thinks it tastes like bacon. What a loser.
BPA: 3.3
Southern Tier Hoppe is the next pour. It's Southern Tier's less-hoppy offering of their two Double IPAs. It's also lower in the ABV dept., at 8%. Belfry thinks it has depth, and Brent says it dances upon his buds. The mouthfeel is exceptional, so it's getting fairly good ratings.
BPA: 3.21
Surly Abrasive is up next. This is the newest Surly brew on the market, and is only offered in the Spring. It's the spiritual successor to 16 grit, which is their now-defunct double IPA. It made it's debut on BA at 46 this week, and it's sure to rise. We all agree it's basically a concentrated Furious. Derek, "I NEED SOME GODDAMN SALT!!"
BPA: 3.83
The next, and not final, beer is Great Divide Hercules Double IPA. We're drunk, and this is a lot of samples. We all taste a strong ale, over Dub IPA. HOLY BISCUITS THE BRONCOS JUST DRAFT TEBOW!! PRAISE JESUS!!
BPA: 3.58
Last. Thank God. We have Southern Tier Unearthly, which is probably the hoppiest beer we've had. Here goes nothin'. Darker pour than most of our libations. This one comes in at 10 dot percent, which is the heavier of their two Dub IPAs. This stuff is a hop boulliabasse.
BPA: 3.23
Welp, this is for realz the last. Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree. It's 13.6% ABV and it's an "Israeli beer" according to uber-noob Larzon. It's a lot more malts and caramel than a standard IPA, which is closer to a barleywine. Derek sat out this one. Derek is fighting Smiegel for the couch spot, and Gabbert accused Derek of salamandry. A duel, we shall have!
BPA: 3.43
It appears this disastrous chapter has ended. Our next session will feature less beers. Kudos to hops and hopkind.
Meet Mike's schnoodle, Gabe:

At the last meeting we settled on a better rotation of hosting sites. The hosts are as follows:
ReplyDelete1) Weinberger
2) McCarty
3) Bequette
4) Byers
5) Gabbert (pending satisfactory completion of Apprenticeship)
6) Wiessner
7) Belfry (pending satisfactory completion of Apprenticeship)
Correction: Noobs will host after 1 rotation, putting Gabbert before Byers, Belfry before Wiessner, and Tom J before Derek.