Tonight we have Russian Imperial Stout night, part II. The first installment ranks as one of our drunkest beer clubs ever. Tonight we're going to do this in a hurry so we get JUICED up for the Vikings game in an hour. Baroooooo!
First up; North Coast Old Rasputin. #34 on BA and it comes in at 9%. This stuff pours darker than Drew Brees' birth mark. It tastes like bitter chocolate and coffee.
BPA: 3.76
Next up is Founders Breakfast Stout. Supplies! This one was a last minute addition that is also found at #7 on BA. It's 8.3% of pure dankins. This one is noticeably smoother than the last one, with more of a coffee feel. These reviews will be brief, because we're pumping it up for the Vikes.
BPA: 3.76, samesies
Third up is my favorite beer on Earth. It's #1 on BA's top buzzed list, and was only released about 6 months ago. Goose Island Bourbon Coffee Stout is 13% alcohol and you can't taste any of it. Pours the same thick black color, and it smells like pure coffee. It starts out with coffee then goes into a bourbon-y sweet burn. Larson thinks it tastes more like a liqueur than a beer. 99 Bananas, he says!
BPA: 3.88
Southern Tier Imperial Oat is up next. It's a 9.6 percenter. This is more of an American Double Stout, and it has a far thinner mouth than the last few. Flavor is good, but this won't get the scores of the last ones. Let's rate this; T minus 20.
BPA: 3.3
Next up is Kuhnhenn Solar Eclipse which really comes in at 18%. That's twice as strong as a strong beer. And 4.5 times stronger than the strongest beer Larson has tasted. It tastes fairly sweet, with an above average nosefeel. Burns down the ole gullet, it does.
BPA: 3.48
The next beer that we're tasting is Hoppin Frog BORIS The Crusher. 9.4%, this one's going to taste like a Corona Light. OOH boy, I find that tasty. 6 MINUTES WE BETTER HURRY HARF HARF.
BPA: 3.54
Avery Czar up next. This is the first time I've had this one. Some sort of African American marching band is playing on the teevee. Wow, this is the first one that's quite a bit different. There are a ton of hops.
BPA: 2.83
Time to molest the Saints! Last beer: Central Waters Satin Solstice. Pump it up! Pours: Black. Smells: Coffee. Taste: Mmmm i dont know, tell em how it tastes steve. oh alright. no way jose am i spittin this stuff out it tastes like fruit. Let's quickly rate this before they get kicked over.
BPA: 2.9
That's it, and the Vikes are already looking like a bunch of dingus. Ugh.
ReplyDeletePours a white chocolatey color. Nosefeel: unshowered. Mouthfeel: DORKY!