Welcome! Tonight we have a special treat: the Blind Taste of Light American Adjunct Lager! It's St. Louis vs. Milwaukee in a racquetball throwdown showdown. Everyone will be tasting Mich Golden, Busch Light, Bud Light, Miller Lite and Natural Light, and we'll be trying to guess which is which, as well as rating the beer. Let's get started!
Beer A (Mich Golden Light): This one pours a copper color, with just a small amount of carbonation. Wait, almost no carbonation. It's not too cold. On the warm side, indeed. The nosefeel is that of our downstairs after a blood-spattered, thursday night beer pong festival. Taste: NA
BPA: .68
Beer B (Busch Light): This one pours the exact same copper color. Similar carbonation and same icky smell. They just re-played the Kirby Puckett '91 HR, and Derek asks "What's up with that glass wall? Do they have to hit it over it?" LOL.
BPA: 1.48
Beer C (Natural Light): This one smells less like vomit, and more like nothing. Which, on a hot day while drinking on a pontoon, is the way this is supposed to taste. Colin thinks it tastes like a rifle barrel... vortexy? WINK!
BPA: .92
Beer D (Bud Light): This one pours a coppery copper with a crappy foam head. Smells complex... mouthfeel... like a syrup drawn from the flowers that populate the garden of eden. The flavor is complex; more complex than the complex level on goldeneye.
BPA: 1.02
Beer E (Miller Lite): Here goes nothing. Once each of us take the first taste, we'll know if we completely screwed up our guesses. The winner of the blind test challenge gets a special mention on the blog. If anyone goes 5/5, they get to write a paragraph on the blog themselves. I'm nervy. If you get none of them right, you're kicked out of beer club.
BPA: .67
Alright... the moment of truth. We're passing our guess cards to our neighbor and grading those.
Final Standings: Colin and Derek: 2; Tom: 1; Belfry and Mike: 0
Welp, it looks like we're kicking Belfry and Mike out of beer club. They're starting the Grey Goose Beer Club, and we'll be rivals. There will be spilt blood at ABR come October.
Highlight: The lowest graded beer, and the one Colin rated the lowest, was Natty Light. His "favorite."
The top billing went to Busch Light.
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