Survivor Edition WTBC
By far the weakest culinary showing out of Brother Belfry. The group has shown no mercy for the fact that there isn’t even furniture in the house let alone food and an equipped kitchen.
Squatter's IPA- 6.5%. A slight error has resulted in this beer’s appearance tonight, I mistakenly grabbed this one instead of 2 Hop Rising’s. Light mildy hoppy very drinkable, not getting voted off the island thus far, Joseph Smith would be proud. Good balance of citrus hops for a more well rounded offering.
BPA: 3.09
Squatter's Hop Rising- 9%. Nice hop profile again, good citrus balance, again very drinkable , right now more interested in watching chicks fight on survivor. This one is the host’s desert island beer.
BPA: 3.09
Olvalde Farm and Brewing Company, Auroch's Horn- 10%. A braggot and and new MN brewery, a braggot for those of you that don’t know, is a historic ale which changes opacities over night. According to Joe it was clear last night and filled with sea monkeys this morning, they must have been spawning furiously. It should be noted that this is the only beer this brewery makes, eggs in one basket anyone? Very yeasty, and wild tasting. Light and fruity just the way Brent likes them (his quote). BTW will someone tell me what Auroch is?
BPA: 3.21
Baja-?%. Our first Central American offering. smells like Mexican beer night. This one is voted off the island. “You can put me on a bleach and I would drink that” – Michael
BPA: .76
Boulevard Chocolate Ale- 9.1%. Very chocolaty, could probably only finish this sample size. Others stated they could finish a larger sample. Color is surprising at dark amber, I think all of us were expecting something much darker. This one is coming in hot for Joe. One of the favorites so far tonight. Great dessert beer. Michael must have had a brain slur and confused dessert beer with desert island beer. Good none the less.
BPA: 2.86
Central Waters Illumination- 9%. Hop sandwich in my salad. Hop bomb. Very great IIPA, super great, very drinkable generally very well liked. IMHO not as well balanced as the hop rising, I may be biased.
BPA: 3.41
Stone Old Guardian Belgo Barleywine- 12%. Welcome to flavor country. Nice combination of Belgian yeast and caramel punches you in the face. Lots of heat, the poster is conflicted about the combination of Belgian yeast and sweet caramel of the barleywine. HOT HOT HOT. It’s a spicy meatball! Jury says if you were stuck on a desert island at least it would F*@# you up.
BPA: 2.86
Lagunitas Imperial Stout- 9.9%. Mouthfeel a little on the light side but we’re going to give this the benefit of the doubt considering its’ predecessor sample. A very boozy version of a stout. Thin not roasty, not chocolaty.
BPA: 3.04
Bonus! Three Floyd's Robert the Bruce- 6.15%. Michael has shown us a beautiful girl in this season of Survivor, we all admired her mammaries and then Michael told us she died of breast cancer. :(
BPA: 3.21
Chosen survivor style from my cellar, everyone picked something from the cellar and we’re voting them off the island the winner gets sampled.
Deliverance is voted the winner. You’ve got a perty mouth!
BPA: 3.71
Also pictured is a prototype Brewbicle, visit or friend it on facebook
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