Here we are in Brent's dark, dank basement on the nicest day of the year so far. But, there's beer to be drank and it's up to us to rate it subjectively. I'm joined by Belfry, Brent, Turnbull, Mike, and Woodpond. The theme is Rogue beers. As in the brewery, not the outlaw.
First up, as tradition dictates, is Brent. He brings to us Rogue First Growth Creek Ale. I think it's just river water that comes in at 6%. It's dark and murky like the Mississippi, but tastes dark and fruity. It has a pretty muted, sour taste- not spicy like you'd think a dubbel would taste like.
BPA: 3.09
Next, Turnbull brings us Rogue Brutal Bitter, which is an American IPA at 5.8%. It pours a cloudy, golden color not atypical for the style. There's not a lot of nosefeel. The taste is really bitter- but BA only lists it at 59 IBU. It's just a very dry hoppy flavor that dominates without much malt to back it up. There isn't much beer talk going on; mostly just trying to piece together Saturday night's bachelor party.
BPA: 3.19
Colin brought Rogue Juniper Pale Ale, which is classified as an Herbed/Spiced beer, but is really just a pale ale spiced with juniper. It looks like an IPA like the last beer, but it's a little less hoppy than that. To be honest, I'm having a hard time picking out the juniper flavor. It's fine, but unremarkable.
BPA: 2.87
This next one is a Red Ale brought to us by Mike. We’re having some serious internet issues and talk about Saturday night. On to the bpa, I guess!
BPA: 3.23
Woodpond brings us Rogue’s Younger Special Bitter. I don’t have the internet, but I believe this is an English IPA. Dang, this is pretty tasty. It’s nice and balanced, with some citrus-y hops. Not exactly what I’d think of when I think of an English IPA.
BPA: 3.17
300!! 300th beer!! This is the 300th beer we’ve tried in beer club. Tom brings to us Rogue Hazelnut Brown Ale. It pours a brown color. Mmm smells hazelnutty. I enjoy this, especially as far as brown ales go.
BPA: 3.17
Therobot brings to us Rogue First Growth OREgasmic Ale. Eww, gross! This one is 6% and is an APA. It’s citrusy and skrunkly sandwich. Definitely my favorite beer of the night.
BPA: 3.42
B-B-B-Bonus beeeer! Next up we have Brent’s bonus offering which is capped and foiled! It’s Great Divide’s 16th Anniversary Ale, which is a Double IPA aged in oak barrels. It should right pack a punch, as any good bonus beer should. It’s darker and a little more clear than most pale ales. It smells hoppy and a bit citrusy, but ZING there’s a lot of oak. I would equate this to taking a shot of hops and then chasing it by licking oak bark.
BPA: 3.56
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